Sorry this has taken me such a long time to get posted - I'm slacking with the whole one post a week thing!! ugh! Hopefully next week will be better! :)
Homecoming Week was a blast!!! :) My friends, Julie and Heather, planned a fantastic week of super fun activities and events. We started with decorating on Saturday for 4 hours - each class had a famous city that they had to "build" along with decorating with other spirit posters. Here are some of the favorites!
Denver, Colorado:
Honolulu :)
San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge
Thursday was Backwards Day - I didn't get a picture, but I wore a purple dress (backwards) and a cardigan sweater (backwards) and a scarf (backwards). You get the drift...
Friday was Raiders Pride & School Color Day!!! :)
Our newest art project - the kids had to make a list of 40 or more positive character traits. Then we printed a black and white picture. They then outlined the major features of their face and outlined it onto a fresh pieve of paper. Then they fill in with their words :) They are pretty awesome!
Here's my example